It was not far from Asprovalta to my
next birding spot, the Strimón Delta near Touzla. As I approached I could make
out the shape of a Western Marsh Harrier hunting over the reedbeds, my first
sighting in ages. Roosting in the shallows of the delta was a small flock of my
first Eurasian Spoonbills, towering over the few Little Ringed Plovers that
accompanied them. A small harbour near the delta held Pygmy and Great
Cormorant, Black-headed Gull, and numerous Common and Little Terns.
A Little Tern at the Strimón Delta, northern Greece. |
exploration of the delta revealed a single Eurasian Curlew, Common Greenshank
and Black-tailed Godwit. I was excited when I was sure I saw a few
Caspian Terns flying in the distance, but the birds soon disappeared and were not seen
again. By midday I was on the road again towards the city of Kavala, where I
was impressed by the well-preserved aqueduct, which dates back to
the sixteenth century and was still operational until 1911. Pallid Swifts looked nearly equally
impressive as they glided on stiff wings over the aqueduct and around the taller
Part of the aquaduct in Kavala city. |
The next delta on my ‘must visit’ list
was the Nestos Delta, which is reputed to be the most reliable site in Europe for
Spur-winged Lapwing. It was not long after turning off the Egnatia road when
four lapwings flew overheard just before dusk. I was still passing through the
vast mosaic of agricultural crops ranging from kiwis to corn when I heard their
calls – unknown to me at the time but distinctly lapwing-like. Before I ran out
of options for a campsite, I decided to pitch my tent near a kiwi crop. I soon realised
that I was going to share the site with the rather large mosquitoes that
inhabited the delta. For the next few days while I was in the area, they made
sure I retired early to my tent!
Spur-winged Lapwing, Nestos Delta, northern Greece. |
The next day I explored the lagoons
along the west coast of the delta, with the most notable species being my first
Glossy Ibis for Europe, Mediterranean Gull, Dalmatian Pelican, Greater
Flamingo, Northern Shoveler, Green Sandpiper, Pied Avocet, Great Egret, and
more Spur-winged Lapwings. A pair of lapwings was found rearing their
recently-hatched young on a grassy traffic island just north of Keramoti town. Inhabitants
of the reedbeds included Eurasian Reed Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Cetti’s
Warbler, Common Nightingale and the rather stunning Bearded Reedling. Besides the wetland birds,
Eurasian Hoopoes, European Bee-eaters, Spanish Sparrows, Red-rumped Swallows,
and Crested Larks were commonly encountered. European Nightjars called every
day at sunset, sometimes joined by Eurasian Scops Owl when woodland was
A male Bearded Reedling; what a bird! |
On my last morning at the Nestos Delta,
I was surprised by a rustling sound in the grass close to my tent. A hedgehog
(Northern White-breasted Hedgehog) was busy making its way through my camp
site, seemingly oblivious to my presence. This was my first close encounter
with a European species of hedgehog, and not wanting to disturb it, I stood in
silence watching, while resisting the temptation to dash for my camera. After
the good start to the day, I headed up the western side of the Nestos River,
the magnificent woodland presenting a completely difference birding experience.
Eurasian Golden Oriole, Syrian Woodpecker, Common Cuckoo and Great Spotted
Woodpecker were regularly heard, with the most surprising species being
Grey-headed Woodpecker. Other good birds to find included Blackcap, Lesser
Spotted Woodpecker, and my first Masked Shrike, a species which reaches it most
western distribution in northern Greece. I followed the river as far as the
Nestos Canyon, similarly spectacular as the lower reaches of the river. The
rocky environs provided habitat for Crag Martin, Blue Rock Thrush, Linnet, and
Black-eared Wheatear, while a pair of Black Stork soared above the hills.
Birding in woodland along the Nestos River. |
Woodland along the banks of the Nestos River. |
Upper reaches of the Nestos Canyon. |
Not having had enough of the Nestos
Delta, I headed back down the eastern side of the Nestos River to reach its mouth.
However, the road to the river mouth became pretty hard to navigate as I got
closer, and a chat with some locals revealed that it was completely overgrown
with vegetation. Instead I was directed to a beach close by, where I could set
up camp if I wished. It turned out that it was not an ‘official’ beach, so I had
the place to myself and enjoyed an early evening swim while watching
Mediterranean Gulls passing by…
Camping on an 'unofficial' beach. |
The next morning I made my way back to
the Egnatia road and headed for Lagos and the lagoons that lay beyond it. On the
way I experienced Greek generosity when I was given home-grown vegetables on
two occasions; so with bulging panniers and bags hanging from my handle bar
filled with cucumbers and tomatoes, I headed for the lagoons. The lagoons held
Dalmatian Pelican, Great White Pelican, Greater Flamingo, Little Egret,
Eurasian Spoonbill and several other common species. A single Mute Swan on one
of the smaller lagoons was a surprise, and so were the Skylarks that flushed from
the surrounding grasslands. A familiar call from the dense grassland revealed
the presence of Common Quail, a species more likely to be heard than seen. I
also got my first views of Collared Pratincole, which appeared to be nesting
amongst the piles of churned earth on the agricultural fields. Several waders
were about, but not in large numbers, and included Common Redshank, Marsh
Sandpiper, Black-winged Stilt, Grey Plover, Green Sandpiper, Kentish Plover and a few Eurasian
Greater Flamingos on a lagoon. |
Black-winged Stilt. |
A Collared Pratincole in flight, showing the rufous underwings. |
After relaxing on the beach, and enjoying
another swim in the Mediterranean waters, I headed north to Lake Ismarida which
is considered a good site for Ruddy Shelduck, a species high on my bird hit
list. I got directions to the lake from some local lads in a small town, and
two of them insisted on riding ahead with their scooter to show me the way –
the directions to the lake were easy so perhaps they were just looking for an
excuse to go for a ride! The lake produced some nice species, but unfortunately
no lifers. Bird species that I had not seen for a while included Common Pochard,
Great Crested Grebe, and Little Grebe on the open water, with Whiskered Tern, Wood
Sandpiper and Ferruginous Duck making occasional fly-bys. A pair of Gull-billed
Terns was a nice surprise. Cycling along the wooded stream that feeds the
lake with water, I found an active Penduline Tit nest. I watched the nest for a
while as the birds flew back and forth bringing nesting material for the final touches
to their suspended home.
The Greek lads who insisted on showing me the way to Lake Ismarida. |
A Penduline Tit leaving the nest, Lake Ismarida. |
Reaching the end of northeastern
Greece, I had one last site I wanted to visit. By now I had done a great deal
of wetland birding, so was looking forward to exploring some other habitats. But
before heading north to the Dadia Forest Reserve, I made a brief stop-over at one last
wetland, the Evros Delta. Arriving in the late afternoon, I was rewarded with
good views of European Roller and my first Levant Sparrowhawk. I had been
hoping to see the latter for quite some time so was pleased to have finally
caught up with it. The delta was far larger than I expected, so I could have
easily spent a full day or two there. Besides the usual wetland species, there
were also large numbers of waders in the shallows. A few hundred Spotted Redshanks
were completely unexpected, as I had not seen this species since Norway in
2012. Most of the birds were still in their striking breeding plumage; all black
with a generous sprinkling of fine white spots. There were also Northern
Lapwings, Spur-winged Lapwings, Black-tailed Godwits, Ruffs and Marsh
Sandpipers to complement the assortment of waders. A male Reed Bunting was also
an unexpected surprised, while other interesting passerines included Calandra
Lark, Greater Short-toed Lark and Tawny Pipit. I also found my first Isabelline
Wheatear on the open flats. After stalking a pair for a while to get better
views, I realised they were attending to their hungry offspring. I left them
alone knowing that I would see the species again in Turkey.
Salt marsh habitat at the Evros Delta. |
I made a 40 km detour to the north of
the Egnatia road to reach the village of Dadia. The Dadia Forest is well known
for its diversity of breeding raptors, with 36 of the 38 species of European birds
of prey recorded in the region. Dadia also supports three of Europe’s four vulture
species, the most notable of these being the Eurasian Black Vulture. I spent
two days in the Dadia forest Reserve and spent much of the time at the observation
hide over-looking the vulture feeding restaurant. All three species of vultures
visited the feeding area, including Eurasian Black Vulture, Eurasian Griffon
Vulture and Egyptian Vulture. While I had seen Griffon Vulture previously in
Croatia, the other two were lifers for me. The occasional Black Kite also made
an appearance looking for scraps, and so did Ravens and Hooded Crows. Though
there were not many raptor species about at the time, there was something surreal
about just sitting in the hide watching the skies for incoming birds. Back at
the reserve’s information centre I was again exposed to Greek generosity, when
the staff gave me food for the road and a marvelous photo record of the birds
of Dadia.
Vultures at the feeding station in Dadia Forest Reserve. |
As I departed from Dadia village I had a glimpse
of a Booted Eagle flying overhead, followed by a Lesser Spotted Eagle carrying
reptilian prey intended for a hungry offspring or two. Closer to the border
with Turkey, I stocked up on some Greek yoghurt in the village of Peplos. While
over-looking the border crossing, I turned to take a photograph of the sunset
behind me, and was surprised when a touring cyclist popped into the frame. Alex
had cycled from France, his home country, and was also heading for Turkey, Iran
and India, much like me. The decision to cross the border at sunset was sealed
and so we started our five-day journey to Istanbul.
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